Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

A new year, a new start. I am going to work towards being more consistent with blogging. As is typical for this time of year I will restart the blog with some of my goals for 2014.

Goal #1
Blog at least twice per month. More would be better but I want to start small and build from there. To meet this goal I will set a calendar reminder to blog every other week. I can also write posts from my computer, tablet or smartphone so I have no reason not to do it.

Goal #2
Lose the weight I gained this year. I gained 10 lbs over the year and my plan is to lose it by the end of March. I will do this by focusing on eating more veggies and fruits and paying more attention to portion size. I will fill half my ate with veggies and fruits then 1/4 with whole grains and 1/4 lean protein.

Goal #3
Increase my speed and stamina for running. This year I want to focus on running and strength training. That means I am not currently planning on doing any triathlons this year. I enjoyed the one I did, but not the training so much. And since I drove running that is what I want to focus on this year. I also know that strength training will help with my running and weight loss. Since I struggle with being consistent with strength training I want to be able to focus on it.

So that it for now. These three are my focus for now, and I will code throughout the year as needed.

I got off to a good start this morning g. I ran a virtual 5k and my pace was 13:00 which is pretty fast for me at this point.

Here's to a great 2014!

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